Releasing Grief

“It feels like I have been kicked in the chest by a horse!”

Nothing can prepare you for the range of emotions you can feel when you lose someone or something you love. When we hold on to our grief, it can manifest as a mental or physical sickness.

It is often the case that the transition of death will bring to the surface the traumas of old that were never healed. This can cause us to experience extremely difficult and painful periods that appear to negatively affect our daily lives.

At times we can feel as though our lives are literally falling apart. This is the time to talk.

Through discussion and therapy we will heal the emotional, social, spiritual, mental, practical and physical pains of loss. Together we will ease the added traumas of generational and past life woes. Let’s address the abuses in this lifetime and trace their root to the ancestor in pain to heal the bloodlines from which we hail, thus breaking the destructive cycles and creating a brighter future for our descendants.

Let’s do this together!

Sessions are available in person, online, over the phone, in groups, retreats and 1-1’s.


One to One


Within our structured therapeutic sessions we will cover various matters pertaining to your loss(es), including energetic grief location and symptom reduction. We discuss self care and assess your integrated belief system and inherited learned behaviours. During your sessions you will find that communication with your ‘loved one(s)’ past or present, ancestral families, past lives and higher guides allows you to grasp the root of generational grief, past life experiences and suicidal ideology. Time travel and timeline transfer opens the way toward the balancing and leveling of emotions throughout our sessions. Using our combined natural resources, we remove blockages, break cycles, dismantle destructive patterns, re-purpose your lower perceptions, realise and release the distortions.

We are working on the social, emotional, spiritual, practical, psychological, environmental, therapeutic and cosmic levels for your well being and highest good. You will discover a new, energized and empowered you, alongside aspects of your being that have been working with you throughout this lifetime and for eons, perhaps without your full conscious awareness.

I am Laura D Pusey. I look forward to working with you.


Group Power Share

Working with groups consisting of 2 to 12 participants, we take a gentle, but deep dive into this integral healing work. Together we travel through time, space and dimensions to bring about positive changes within the collective timeline for each member of the group.

We each have our own journey, and blockages to inner fulfillment, however, through group discussion, introspection and energy healing we find that there are often similar forces that have us bound to despondency, lack of motivation and inactivity, like for example the energies of frustration, fear or doubt.

The generations past from which we hail were unable to effectively clear their worries, traumas and pains. These lower energies were then carried down through the bloodlines, breast milk, learned behaviours and energetic transfer. Much of our angst and grief is not our own, but is made manifest today for us to clear in this lifetime, hence the pressure and pain experienced in many of our lives.

By working with families, organisations and individuals intent on coming together for the common purpose of clearing the lower energies, of grief, trauma and distortion in our present day, for personal healing and positive progression; we can also affect an empowering elemental charge within our communities and wider social landscapes. This comes about through focused intention and the directed use of our collective power.

I do not charge for the work that I do, I charge for the time that it takes me to do it. 

ONYX = 8 HOURS – One Day

JET = 16 HOURS – Two Days

Maximum 12 participants

For special rates please contact:

Let’s do this together.