Hold on…

Recently a thought has been working it’s way around my mind. This thought is of our humanity. There are so many throw away comments that are used to placate those who have lost a loved one to death like:

They’re in a better place now (always said with authority)

They’ve gone home… (wait… is this not home?)

At least their at peace… (what is peace? Are we not living in peace…)

The most recent one though, that has me is this…

We are spiritual beings having a human experience… (come again…)

If this is the case, what is a spiritual being and how can I navigate this human experience so that I might have the kind of peace that will enable me to confidently return to this better place called home, with serenity and contentment?

How can gaining an awareness of my spiritual being-ness equip me with the coping strategies, tools and technology needed to fully accept the event of my loved one “going home” …to a better place and leaving me here… without peace?

If such questions cross your mind Contact us.